
Somehow, condemned to the underworld/whateverworld, they sustained the light for millennia/millennials. Keeping their Ka-Ba intact and entire they always knew the Power and the Pleasure of the Sun God/Some Guy would grant (though they never fill out the forms) them so-called Eternal Creativity (i.e., QQreativity) if they could just complete the journey and Rise Above! Following their righteous path, they ignited Fiery Furnaces (FEE-ery Fur-Nace-es-EH) and stumbled the inner steps of the Sebadjoser pyramid to finally reach the Night Light! The two ancient souls/old people from Under Earth had sublated their fate and became Children/Mature Students of the Upper Light - Hermopolis Magna became Matthew Friedberger and Waan'Ubyee Shemayet became Bob D'Amico. They are now proud makers of Joyful Noise (insert plug here) made possible by their Outlet to Eternity - the SAQQARA MASTABAS.