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STAFF PICK "Looking forward to getting hold of every single Music In Exile record, but this one is definitely my all time favourite." Hunter
Gordon Koang is a fountain of warmth and joy, immediately accepting any stranger who strays into his presence. With a beaming smile that is unfettered by blindness, a condition he has lived with since birth, Gordon welcomes any and all around him, encouraging them to sit for a while and chat, maybe even to share a song.
Originating from the Nile Valley in what is now South Sudan, Koang was born blind and began playing music from an early age, busking on the streets of Juba and producing his own self-released CD-R’s and cassettes, before becoming a crowd favourite and recording a series of singles and music videos celebrating South Sudan’s cultural wealth. His music went viral, spreading throughout the country, and Koang was invited to perform at everything from weddings and political rallies to church meetings and parties alike. His reputation quickly grew as the poet and homegrown hero of the Nuer people, sometimes called the ‘Michael Jackson of South Sudan’.
- Asylum Seeker
- Stand Up (Clap Your Hands)
- Kone Ke Ran
- South Sudan
- Mal Mi Goa
- Y Dah
- Tiel e Nei Nywal Ke Ran (We Don't Have a Problem With Anyone)
- Te Ke Mi Thile Ji Kuoth Nhial
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