Human Remains follows Creatures Of The Deep and Black Sarabande as the final installment of a trilogy of piano-based recordings by Robert Haigh for Unseen Worlds. The trilogy marks the end of the late era of solo albums by Haigh before he steps away from music production. The title, Human Remains, was initially based on a painting of the same name by Haigh that is suggestive of an ancient structure resolute in the wake of overwhelming forces. As a metaphor for our current times, it could be interpreted as human frailty in the face of nature’s unyielding dominion. Conversely, it could represent the persistence of human spirit and resourcefulness in the midst of catastrophe and upheaval. The album opens with 'Beginner’s Mind' – a semi-improvised motif develops into an impressionistic refrain. This is followed by 'Twilight Flowers' and 'Waltz On Treated Wire' – intimate, monochrome piano portraits. Later tracks such as 'Lost Albion' and 'Signs Of Life' build on skeletal piano motifs with subtle electronic washes, textures and field sounds. The album ends with the elegiac 'On Terminus Hill' where a stately piano refrain explores a series of sparse harmonic variations evoking a sense of closure.
- Beginner's Mind
- Twilight Flowers
- Waltz On Treated Wire
- Contour Lines
- Rainy Season
- Lost Albion
- Like A Shadow
- Still Life With Moving Parts
- The Fourth Man
- Signs Of Life
- The Nocturnals
- Baroque Atom
- On Terminus Hill
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