Lucrecia Dalt channels sensory echoes of growing up in Colombia on her new album ¡Ay!, where the sound and syncopation of tropical music encounter adventurous impulse, lush instrumentation, and metaphysical sci-fi meditations in an exclamation of liminal delight. In sound and spirit, ¡Ay! is a heliacal exploration of native place and environmental tuning, where Dalt reverses the spell of temporal containment. Through the spiraling tendencies of time and topography, the artist has arrived where she began. CD edition includes lyrics and an essay by Miguel Prado in Spanish and English.
- No tiempo
- El Galatzó
- Atemporal
- Dicen
- Contenida
- La desmesura
- Gena
- Bochinche
- Enviada
- Epilogo
Please note that ¡Ay! is currently not in store but is an imported title from an overseas supplier.
Most of the time it takes around 2-3 weeks for the item to arrive here and be sent out but it can take longer if there are any delays.