Produced by Heidecker, Drew Erickson, Eric D. Johnson (Fruit Bats, Bonny Light Horseman), and Mac DeMarco, High School sees Heidecker emerging as an increasingly playful and poignant storyteller, infusing childhood tales with new gravity. This album chronicles not only the adventures and misadventures of life as a Pennsylvania teen in the early 90s, but also how it felt to lose a juvenile sense of mystery and possibility as an adult. This album is about high school – and, really, the way it helped shape everything else.
Look out for Kurt Vile's feature on the standout 'Siren Of Titan'.
- Buddy
- Chillin' In Alaska
- Future Is Uncertain
- Get Back Down To Me
- I've Been Losing
- Punch In The Gut
- Stupid Kid
- Siren Of Tital (fea.t Kurt Vile)
- What Did We Do With Our Time
- Kern River
Please note that High School is currently not in store but is an imported title from an overseas supplier.
Most of the time it takes around 2-3 weeks for the item to arrive here and be sent out but it can take longer if there are any delays.