In 2009, Brian Cross (aka B+) organized a series of live events at the Luckman Fine Arts Complex in Los Angeles. The Timeless series captured the lasting impact of several artists on the world of hip-hop and beyond. Live, fully orchestrated performances by Ethiopia’s Mulatu Astatke and Brazil's Arthur Verocai bookended the incredible Suite For Ma Dukes, a tribute to James "Dilla" Yancey, by Miguel Atwood-Ferguson.
Mochilla Presents Timeless: Mulatu Astatke captures what the sold out crowd at the Luckman witnessed: the famed Ethiopian artist performing with veterans of the Los Angeles jazz community including Bennie Maupin, Azar Lawrence, Phil Ranelin and more. Having just witnessed the performance Cut Chemist remarked “Musically, he has been my biggest inspiration” with producer Quantic noting “One of the musical visionaries of our age…We are still trying to catch up.”
1. Yekermo Sew
2. I Faram Gami
3. The Radcliffe
4. Yegelle Tezeta
5. Yekatit
6. Mulatu
7. Kasalefkut Hulu
8. Ebo Lala