Released in December 1987, You’re Living All Over Me is the second studio album by Massachusetts based alternative rock legends Dinosaur Jr. Following on from the strange mix of folk and hardcore punk on their debut album, You’re Living All Over Me projects a sound so far removed from the debut and so ahead of its time that it’s hard to summarise succinctly.
It blends copious amounts of noise with addictive riffs, catchy hooks and glazes it all with wonderfully humbling sense of melancholy. J. Mascis demonstrates such skill and ingenuity in his guitar playing that at points, it’s borderline genius without the intricacy of virtuosity. Lou Barlow’s thick, driving bass lines and Murph’s pounding drum rhythms and very tight fills are the perfect accompaniment.
1. Little Fury Things
2. Kracked
3. SludgeFeast
4. The Lung
5. Raisans
6. Tarpit
7. In A Jar
8. Lose
9. Poledo
10. Just Like Heaven
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