Blind Date Party (Vinyl 2LP)

Vinyl 2LP



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Bill & Bonny shared these songs with a travel-challenged world through late 2020 into earlier this year; now their online sensation comes home to roost on the good ol’ fashioned format that all these songs were originally heard in the first place! A record to, from, for and dedicated to almost everyone. Hats off! Pants off too — NOW it’s a party.


  1. The Blackness of the Night (feat. Azita) 
  2. OD'd in Denver (feat. Matt Sweeney) 
  3. I've Made Up My Mind (feat. Alasdair Roberts)
  4. Red-Tailed Hawk (feat. Matt Kinsey) 
  5. Wish You Were Gay (feat. Sean O'Hagan) 
  6. Our Anniversary (feat. Dead Rider) 
  7. Rooftop Garden (feat. George Xylouris) 
  8. Deacon Blues (feat. Bill MacKay) 
  9. I Love You (feat. David Pajo)
  10. Sea Song (feat. Mick Turner) 
  11. I've Been The One (feat. Meg Baird) 
  12. Miracles (feat. Ty Segall)
  13. I Want to Go to the Beach (feat. Cooper Crain) 
  14. Night Rider's Lament (feat. Cory Hanson) 
  15. Arise, Therefore (feat. Six Organs of Admittance) 
  16. The Night of Santiago (feat. David Grubbs) 
  17. The Wild Kindness (feat. Cassie Berman) 
  18. Lost in Love (feat. Emmett Kelly) 
  19. She is My Everything (feat. Sir Richard Bishop)