Bill & Bonny shared these songs with a travel-challenged world through late 2020 into earlier this year; now their online sensation comes home to roost on the good ol’ fashioned format that all these songs were originally heard in the first place! A record to, from, for and dedicated to almost everyone. Hats off! Pants off too — NOW it’s a party.
- The Blackness of the Night (feat. Azita)
- OD'd in Denver (feat. Matt Sweeney)
- I've Made Up My Mind (feat. Alasdair Roberts)
- Red-Tailed Hawk (feat. Matt Kinsey)
- Wish You Were Gay (feat. Sean O'Hagan)
- Our Anniversary (feat. Dead Rider)
- Rooftop Garden (feat. George Xylouris)
- Deacon Blues (feat. Bill MacKay)
- I Love You (feat. David Pajo)
- Sea Song (feat. Mick Turner)
- I've Been The One (feat. Meg Baird)
- Miracles (feat. Ty Segall)
- I Want to Go to the Beach (feat. Cooper Crain)
- Night Rider's Lament (feat. Cory Hanson)
- Arise, Therefore (feat. Six Organs of Admittance)
- The Night of Santiago (feat. David Grubbs)
- The Wild Kindness (feat. Cassie Berman)
- Lost in Love (feat. Emmett Kelly)
- She is My Everything (feat. Sir Richard Bishop)