Whats’ Be Happen? (Reissue)

Vinyl LP (Red)

AVAILABLE FROM NZ SUPPLIER - Ships within 2-5 business days



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Sophie's staff pick "An album to heal the wounded"

Whats’ Be Happen? was released in time to be an Auckland Māori/Pacific soundtrack for the Springbok Tour, offering songs to be sung at rallies or played when people were healing tired and bruised bodies after the midweek and weekend protests. (The EP is a companion on the front line to Wellington band Riot 111 who – in a similar piece of cross-cultural synthesis – reclaimed the haka ‘Ka Mate’ from rugby and served it up as a punk call to arms.)

  1. Azania (Soon Come)
  2. Dragons And Demons
  3. Whats’ Be Happen?
  4. One Brotherhood
  5. Whistling In The Dark
  6. Reggae’s Doing Fine


Please note that Whats’ Be Happen? (Reissue) is currently not in store but is with our local supplier.

Most of the time it takes around 2-5 days from the time you place the order for the item to arrive here and be sent out but it can take longer if there are any delays.