Freedom (CD)




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Over the course of 10 years, Damon McMahon aka Amen Dunes has transformed continuously, and Freedom is the project's boldest leap yet. The themes are darker than on previous Amen Dunes albums, but it's a darkness sublimated through grooves. The music, as a response or even a solution to the darkness, is tough and joyous, rhythmic and danceable. It's a sound never heard before on an Amen Dunes record, but one that was always asking to emerge. Eleven songs span a range of emotions, from contraction to release and back again. Blue Rose and Calling Paul the Suffering are pure, ecstatic dance songs. Skipping School and Miki Dora are incantations of a mythical heroic maleness and its illusions. Freedom and Believe offer a street tough's future-gospel exhalation, and the funk-grime grit of L.A. closes the album, projecting a musical hint of things to come.


1. Intro
2. Blue Rose
3. Time
4. Skipping School
5. Calling Paul the Suffering
6. Miki Dora
7. Satudarah
8. Believe
9. Dracula
10. Freedom
11. L.A.