No Age's fourth full length album, An Object‚forgoes the straight and narrow route, landing in a strange and unexpected place, feet planted in fresh, fertile soil.
As the title An Object suggests, these eleven tracks are meant to be grasped, not simply heard. Whether in the fine grit of Randall‚√≥¬ªs sandpaper guitar scrapes on "Defector/ed," or Spunt's percussive stomp and crack on "Circling with Dizzy" and "An Impression," these are songs that pivot on the sheer materiality of music‚√≥?making, incorporating the process every step of the way.‚These songs are hummable, political, recognizably rooted in underground rock, and informed by an understanding of sound as a material to be shaped, handled, and worked over. It is an aesthetic in which the relationships between guitar, percussion, and vocals‚‚as well as those between rhythm and melody‚‚ become relationships between things.‚
Track List:
- No Ground
- I Won't Be Your Generator‚
- C'mon, Stimmung‚
- Defector/ed‚
- An Impression ‚
- Lock Box‚
- Running From A-Go-Go
- My Hands, Birch and Steel
- Circling With Dizzy‚
- A Ceiling Dreams of A Floor
- Commerce, Comment, Commence‚