Le Tigre (CD)


AVAILABLE FROM NZ SUPPLIER - Ships within 2-5 business days



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Le Tigre's self-titled debut is a wonder of postmodern, lo-fi indie rock. Ex-Bikini Kill Riot Grrrl Kathleen Hanna has toned down the tuneless rage of her former band, and with the assistance of her artsy friends Johanna Fateman and Sadie Benning, has created an album of tuneful rage. Pop songs, no less. Casting a critical eye over the contemporary urban scene they inhabit, Le Tigre is packed with acerbic wit and referential wordplay shouted against a backdrop of guitars, sythesizers, beats, samples and, apparently, anything else to hand in the studios and bedrooms where it was recorded.


1. Deceptacon
2. Hot Topic
3. What's Yr Take On Cassavetes?
4.The The Empty
5. Phanta
6. Eau D'Bedroom Dancing
7. Let's Run
8. My My Metrocard
9. Friendship Station
10. Slideshow At Free University
11. Dude. Yr So Crazy!
12. Les And Ray


Please note that Le Tigre (CD) is currently not in store but is with our local supplier.

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